RouteMaster: Configuring Routers


To configure the routers connected to the system, select Configure Router from the Settings menu.

RouteMaster can be configured to multiple routers. The left-hand pane of the Router Configuration window allows you add and delete routers.

Your license determines the number of physical routers you can control. A physical router is either an external router, such as a Blackmagic Videohub, or – for RouteMaster VR – an internal virtual NDI router.
Stack Routers and MultiRouters do not count towards your license – but the physical routers used to build them do.  Dummy Routers doesn’t count either.

Dummy Routers

The Dummy Router is a virtual router that’s built in to RouteMaster. The Dummy Router behaves like a real router – it generates tallies when a route is made, and can be configured with names, groups and salvos. It’s useful when testing the system, building control panels and developing client software when a real router is not available.

Managing Routers

  1. A list of configured routers is shown at the top left. Selecting a router from the list will show it’s configuration to the right.
  2. Add Physical Router – Adds a physical router to the list.
  3. Add Stack Router – Adds a Stack Router to the list.
  4. Add MultiRouter– Adds a MultiRouter to the list.
  5. Delete – Removes the selected router .
  6. Set as Master – Sets the selected router as the Master Router. This is the router actually controlled by clients.

To start setting up your router, you add them to the Routers list. Click the Add Physical Router button to add a new router. By default a new Dummy Router appears in the list. Select it to display the router configuration tabs.

Configuring the Size

Regardless of the kind of router you add, the first steps are:

  1. Specify the actual size of the router you’re controlling.
  2. Optionally, provide a short descriptive name for it.