How do I view and control Helm’s error logs?

There are times when you need to find out what’s going wrong, could be the way you’ve set up your panel, could be the external equipment. This is where Helm’s error logs come in.

Error logs are automatically saved to disc here, but you can view the information dynamically.

Go to the Tools / View Log menu


The Logging Window opens


This lets you see all the events that have taken place since Helm Designer started.

I need more information – where can I get it?


Each device (such as router or server) has a LoggingLevel property. You can change this to control the amount of debugging information generated relating to that specific device.

By clicking in an empty part of the work area you can view the RootPanel properties. Under the Miscellaneous heading there’s a property called LoggingLevel. This lets you control how much general diagnostic information is recorded in the log. LOG_VERBOSE typically shows much more information.

Setting logging levels to LOG_VERBOSE can slow down the operation of both Helm Designer and the panels it generates. Please use it with care.