RouteMaster: TSL UMD Protocol

RouteMaster V2.1 and later support the TSL UMD protocol for sending and receiving router signal names and status to connected devices over IP networks. TSL support is configured in the “Configure Clients…” dialog.

RouteMaster as a TSL Sender

RouteMaster can send tally information to up to four separate receivers.

Sender Options

Each sender has the following options available:

Transport determines the protocol and network layer used to send data.

  • TSL V3.1 over UDP
  • TSL V4.0 over UDP
  • TSL V5.0 over UDP (From V2.3.4)
  • TSL V5.0 over UDP  – Unicode encoding (From V2.3.4)
  • TSL V3.1 over TCP
  • TSL V4.0 over TCP

When sending over TCP, RouteMaster acts as a client, connecting to a server which must be “Listening” for the tallies.

Destination IP and Port specify where the packets are to be sent.

Offset controls the first display address used.

Mode controls what information is sent to each display address.

  • For Sources, display address X+Offset receives the name of Source X
  • For Destinations, display address X+Offset receives the name of Destination X
  • For Follow, display address X+Offset receives the name of Source currently routed to Destination X

From V2.3.4, Router Offset controls the first router source/destination to use. This defaults to zero

From V2.3.4, Count controls the number of labels to send. This defaults to 128, but is restricted according to the actual router size.

Tally Flags

Currently, the four tally flags associated with UMD protocol packets are mapped as follows:

  • Bit 0 : “Lock” status of destination for modes “Destinations” and “Follow”
  • Bit 1 : “Protect” status of destination for modes “Destinations” and “Follow”
  • Bit 2 : “Input OK” status of source for modes “Sources” and “Follow”
  • Bit 3: “Input not OK” status of source for modes “Sources” and “Follow”

“Input OK” is only available for NewTek NDI routing at present.

RouteMaster as a TSL Receiver

RouteMaster can also be configured to receive TSL V3.0 and V4.0 packets via UDP. When this is selected, display addresses 0-63 correspond to the first 64 router sources, and 64-127 to the first 64 destinations. When UMD data is received the source and destination names are updated accordingly.

Tally flag status is currently ignored in this mode.