Root Panel

Every Helm Panel has a special component called the “RootPanel.” This cannot be deleted, and has various properties that affect the overall appearance and operation of the panel, such as panel size and background. Event Scripts for the Root Panel can be run at panel startup and shutdown.

Various miscellaneous script Actions are available for the Root Panel, including the ability to launch other documents and applications.


Event Scripts
BeforeConnect Triggered when a panel is started, but before connections to panel devices are established
OnShutdown Triggered when a panel is about to shut down, and before devices are disconnected.
OnStartup Triggered when a panel is started, immediately after the panel devices have been connected.



Param_1 Type an identifying name into the Edit dialog for parameter 1.
Param_2 Type an identifying name into the Edit dialog for parameter 2.
Param_3 Type an identifying name into the Edit dialog for parameter 3.
Param_4 Type an identifying name into the Edit dialog for parameter 4.