Installing Product Licenses

Licenses for Rascular products are typically supplied by email as files with an extension of .lice. Installation of these files simply involves placing them in the application’s main directory.

Locate the application directory

Installation for All Users

If you’ve installed the product for all users, the application directory is typically C:\Program Files (x86)\Rascular\<PRODUCTNAME>, assuming the product has been installed for all users.

Installation for Current User only

If you have selected to only install the product for the current user, the directory is typically C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\Programs\Rascular\<PRODUCTNAME>

These directory names will be different if you chose to override the normal directories when installing the product, or are using non UK/US-English localized versions of Windows.  

Copy the .lice file into the application directory

The filename of the supplied license file should not be changed. Sometimes a license will be issued which supersedes a previous file. In this case the older file should be deleted or renamed with a different extension.

Most products accept multiple license files in the same directory, to extend the products capabilities.

Start the application

If the application was running, it must be restarted for the license file to be detected.,

Verify that the license was correctly read

For  WIndows applications like Helm, choose Help/About… from the main menu. Any licenses detected will be listed. Temporary license for evaluation will show an expiry date.

Licensing for WebCentre

For Rascular WebCentre, licensing details can be seen by visiting the URL https://<>/system/config

If there’s no valid license, you’ll see a screen like this if accessing WebCentre. Please click on the email link, and relevant diagnostic info will be attached to your email automatically.