Helm and Harris IconStation

Helm can control Harris/Imagine IconStation via the IconStation XML protocol over TCP/IP.

Add an Iconstation device from the parts bin to your panel and set the IP Address and Port.  You should also ensure that the UTF8 property matches the configuration of your IconStation.

Helm provides commands for loading layouts, firing salvos, modifying text fields and selectively hiding and showing items within a layout. For a full list of commands select the IconStation icon and your panel and use the F1 key to view the device reference.

Only limited status is available from IconStation, and much of that must be explicitly requested using the Refresh command.

Property Notes
Layouts List of available layouts. Use command IconStation:Refresh() to update.
Salvos List of salvos in a particular layout: Use IconStation:Refresh('LayoutName') to update.
Items List of items in a particular layout: Use IconStation:Refresh('LayoutName') to update.
Bypass Bypass relay status. Updates automatically.

Once the Refresh command has been issued you can use the above properties within scripts, like this.