Rascular WebCentre

Rascular WebCentre is the web server at the heart of the Helm Web Panels system. Users visit the WebCentre homepage URL to select and launch panels, using a web browser. WebCentre is based on the NGINX open-source high-performance web server integrated with the PHP server-side scripting language.

Installation Overview

WebCentre supports Windows 7,10 and later. A server-class operating system such as Windows Server 2012 can also be used.

WebCentre is installed using a conventional Windows Installer process.

Software Downloads

Rascular WebCentre 2.4.0 Install (36.7 MiB)

The installer  creates and starts two Windows Services, viewable using the Administrative Tools/Services application.

  1. Rascular WebCentre. This is the NGINX-based WebServer responsible for delivering panels and assets to clients.
  2. Rascular WebCentre PHP. This is the PHP script interpreter, used in conjunction with nginx for server-side processing.

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